The Dirt Devils of Southern California Off-road Club is a family-oriented group of 4-wheelers dedicated to promoting safe off-highway adventures in the great outdoors with an emphasis on safety and in support of the Adopt A Trail and Tread Lightly! Program.
The Dirt Devils originated in October of 1993 as the result of 4-wheel drive training courses where some people wished to continue the sport of 4-wheeling. We are an energetic club willing to pass on what we have learned and help each other over the tight spots. We are open for membership to people over 18 years of age with little or no experience in any type of 4x4 vehicle. Several of our members have 10 or more years experience creating confidence and achievement for newcomers.
We are involved in programs such as the OHV Forest Service Volunteer Program, California Association of Four Wheel Drive Clubs events, Toys-For-Tots (at Christmas time), environmental projects to protect the natural setting of our public lands, and the Adopt-A-Trail program. We have adopted the 3N34 trail in Lake Arrowhead, commonly known as 'Dishpan Springs' or 'Deep Creek Trail', and 2N09 (Polique Canyon) and 3N05 (Gold Fever) trails in Big Bear. We have one or more club-sponsored event each month and take on all types of terrain, from mild to wild. Guests are always welcome to attend our meetings and runs!
As part of the Adopt-a-Trail program, the club has an Emergency Response Team that responds to critical activities regarding our adopted trail that can't wait for our scheduled runs.
Anyone with a 4-wheel drive vehicle is eligible for membership. No modifications to your vehicle are required for membership. We have many members with stock or near stock Jeeps, and a stock Jeep is a very capable vehicle.
For July 2025-June 2026, dues are $36 per year. Spouses are $12 per year when registering with member. CORVA and/or Cal4Wheel membership is recommended, but not required. CORVA supporting membership is $40 per year or $400 for a lifetime membership ( Cal4Wheel membership is $50 per year or $750.00 for a permanent membership (