Dirt Devils Digest
January 2015
The Dirt Devils Digest
January 2015
A monthly publication of the Dirt Devils
Presidents Message:
Mike Wallace is looking for members that are interested
in developing ideas for fund raising events for 2015 and
beyond. Members interested in being involved see Mike.
Thank you Linda Wucherpfennig and Vinnie Barbarino
we enjoyed your CORVA presentation. Along with
CAL4WD CORVA sole purpose is to keep trails open for
If you haven’t been to the Dirt Devils website recently
you need to check it out Chris Slaughter is doing a great
Keep our trails open
Ray Kleinhuizen
Table of Contents
Top 10 reasons to be a Dirt Devils trail leader ...........
Run reports .....................................................................
Run calendar ..................................................................
Adopt-a-Trail meeting place.........................................
February .......................................................................
March ...........................................................................
April .............................................................................
May ..............................................................................
August ...........................................................................
September .....................................................................
October ........................................................................
November .....................................................................
December .....................................................................
New members ................................................................
Club info .........................................................................
Club membership..........................................................
First aid kit tracking......................................................
Run report template......................................................
DD trail ratings............................................................
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Dirt Devils Digest
January 2015
3/28 - 4/5 Easter Jeep Safari Moab - non club event
Top 10 reasons to be a
Dirt Devils trail leader:
7th - club meeting
10 - You pick the trail (hopefully someone will want to
- 4/12 Coral Canyon (D) - Danny W.
run it with you)
25th - Adopt A Trail - Ray
9 - You pick the run start time and meet spot
8 - You write the run announcement
7 - You pick the CB channel (duh 4)
5th - club meeting
6 - You conduct the drivers meeting (best if done before
- 5/3 Mojave Trail (E) - Pete
you start the trail)
16th - HDR Prerun - Danny W.
5 - You carry the Dirt Devils club first aid kit (hopefully
23rd - 25th Devils Loop trail (M)
you know how to use it)
HDR Cal4Wheel event - Danny W.
4 - You pick the bathroom stops (more stops keep you
22th - - 24th Hi Desert Round up CAL4WD event.
out trouble)
Slash X Barstow CA
3 - You are the spotter when someone needs help (you’ll
Dirt Devils will be leading Devils Loop Trail
get a lot of exercise)
30th - 6th North Rim run
2 - You will get unwavering support from all drivers even
Run leader: Ray Kleinhuizen
when you are hopelessly lost and confused.
1 - You get to ride in front of everyone out of the dust
(this the only good reason to be a trail lead)
2nd club meeting
13th Adopt A Trail - Lead TBD
Run reports
21st Forest Fest Big Bear Fathers day weekend
Run calendar
6/27 John Bull (D) - Josh
Adopt a Trail meeting place
8:30am at Rock Road House
7th club meeting
32150 Hilltop Blvd Running Springs, CA 92382
next to the 76 gas station
10th - 13th Bishop Ca. trails - Ray
24th - 26th Adopta Trail overnight camp at tent peg
campground Big Bear
run Leader Roger
3rd - club meeting
23rd - 26th Jeepers Jamboree
1st - 6th - King of the Hammers
31st - 2nd Jeep Jamboree
3, 4 & 7th - Hamm Radio Technician Class
http://www.jeepersjamboree.com/ Dave Jones will
Newport Beach
represent the Dirt Devils on the 31st
10th - Truckhaven CORVA event
21st - Matino Wash
run leader Josh Bleijenberg
28th - 1st Terra Del Sol (TDS) - non club event
3rd - club meeting
14th - 15th Calico
run leader Ron Webber ron@questbuilding.com
28th - Adopt A Trail (D) - Rick Walters
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Dirt Devils Digest
January 2015
Zoe & Jack Pacela (picture not available) putt around in a
modified Jeep with a few scratches, dings and dents
4st club meeting
- 9th Sierra Trek near Truckee CAL4WD event.
Oleg Garanda
15th 4x4 Big Bear Clinic (E/M) - Mike
22th Adopt A Trail - Roy
1st club meeting
4th -
7th High Sierra Poker Run CAL4WD event.
near Shaver Lake
Last Saturday of September Adopt a Trail BBQ
11th - 13th Sherman Pass (M) - Danny W.
19th Adopt A Trail - Josh
6th club meeting
Brad & Judy Spears
3th & 4th Off Road Expo Pomona
6th Monthly club meeting
17th Miller Jeep Trail (M) - Pete
24th Adopt A Trail - Lead TBD
3rd Monthly club meeting / run planning 2016
6th - 8th Panamint Valley Days (PVD), Cal 4 Wheel event
14th - Black Canyon (E) - Ray
1st Monthly club meeting
5th Cleghorn (M) - Joel
Janet Johansen
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Dirt Devils Digest
January 2015
Mel & Barbara Nix
Chris & Alison Johnson
Kirk & Jeanne Smith ran Sherman pass trail with the club
April, Sept, Oct, Nov 2014 Jan 2015
Mike and Al Ramsden Mike putts around in a ’01
wrangler with 35” tires and a few other mods sept, Oct, Nov
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Dirt Devils Digest
January 2015
Club info
New members
Meeting Place
First Tuesday of each month,
6:30pm for Dinner & 7:30pm for the meeting at
just east of Imperial Hwy and north of the 91 Fwy.
Marie Callenders. 5711 East La Palma Ave., Anaheim,
CA 92807, 714-779-0600
Club officers
President: Ray Kleinhuizen
Immediate past president:
Jesse May: jemay.xj@gmail.com
Vice President: Mike Wallace proudpop80@gmail.com
Secretary: Cheryl May: jemay.xj@gmail.com
Treasurer: Emi Webber: emiwebber@hotmail.com
Chris & Allison Johnson
Web Master: Mike Ortega:
Adopt a trail chairman:
Roy Chance: rchance@aol.com
Roger Mauer: rogermauer@gmail.com
Newsletter: Ron Webber: webbermail@cox.net
Hospitality: Emi Webber: emiwebber@hotmail.com
Safety Committee: Randy Huddleston:
Run Coordinator: Rick Walter rick03tj@gmail.com
Club membership
Membership dues:
Dirt Devil annual club dues
Rob Wallace (left) with his brother Mike.
CAL4WD annual dues
CAL4WD permanent member
CAL4WD permanent member 12 installments
Available at the regular meetings, see Emi Webber.
Dirt Devil Stickers: $15.00.
Short sleeve shirts: $15.00
Long sleeve shirts: $18.00
Sweatshirts: $30.00
Matt & Steve Hendry putt around in a 2001 Wrangler
Hats: $20.00
with a few mods.
DD logo magnets available in various sizes for
$4.50 to $13.50 each.
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Dirt Devils Digest
January 2015
Run announcement template
Research and/or Pre-run the trail route.
Create and Post a Run Announcement
When emailing the run announcement: Please, use the
words “Run Announcement” in the Subject line of the
message, forward to the webmaster and newsletter editor.
Date/Time and Place for the Run
Description of Run
Difficulty Rating
Run Type: Base Camp, Day Run
Directions to Meeting Place.
EXACT Departure Time from Meeting Place
Required Equipment. Open dif ? Lockers?
Is RSVP Required?
CAL 4 Wheel Drive, new member award
CB Channel channel 4, if to much traffic then switch to 5
and so on.
Newsletter advertising
HAMM channel 146.440
$25 for ¼ page ad, for 3 issues
Camping Location/ Directions/ Details/ Facilities/ Fees.
$50 for a ½ page ad, for 3 issues
Access for motor homes?
$100 for a full page ad, for 3 issues.
Contact Information (Run Leader
A full page ad also gets a Web Link.
Phone Number & email address)
First aid kit tracking
Day of the Run:
FA #1 (red, blue backpack)
Hold brief driver’s gathering before start of run. Include
Mike Wallace
special instructions.
Josh Bleijenberg
Assign vehicle order if there are vehicles with open diffs.
Have vehicle with locked diff in front & behind. (If
Ron Webber November 2014
Ray Kleinhuizen July 2014
possible disperse vehicles with HAM radios near the
front, middle and rear of the line.
FA #2 (Orange canvas bag)
Encourage drivers to learn the name of the person in front
Josh Bleijenberg
and behind his/her vehicle.
Ray Kleinhuizen
Assign Tail Gunner Vehicle
Danny Ward
After returning home forward to the newsletter editor a
Josh Bleijenberg April 2014
Run Report and a few photos. subject line write
Roger Mauer Feb 2014
“Run Report”
FA #3 (Orange canvas bag)
Rick Walters July 2014
Pete Johnson April 2014
Ron Webber March 2014 Calico
Run report template:
Run name:
Run leader:
Number of rigs:
The story:
Cow bells earned:
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Dirt Devils Digest
January 2015
DD Trail Ratings
Trail ratings are subjective and weather conditions over
the years can change a trail. An easy trail can become
more difficult after or during rain. The trail leader needs
to be the final judge of trail conditions the day of the run.
If any part of a trail is difficult the trail is rated difficult. If
difficult sections have bypasses the trail may be suitable
for less capable rigs or less experienced drivers.
E - Easy (Black Canyon, Mohave Trail)
M - Moderate (Devils Loop, Miller Jeep Trail)
D - Difficult (John Bull, Calico)
(E) Easy trails could include these conditions:
Any dirt, sand or gravel road.
Gentle to mildly steeper hill climbs, mild rocky
sections and/or soft sandy sections.
Four wheel drive may not be necessary all the time.
Pot holes or ruts that require high ground clearance.
Water crossings are up to 15 inches deep.
Suitable for full size vehicles.
Low gears may be required on hill climbs.
Recommend 4 wheel drive vehicle
Suitable for most tire sizes
(M) Moderate trails could include these
Steep rutted and rocky hill climbs that require careful
tire placement.
Two to three foot ledges to climb and/or steep down
hill drop offs.
Rocky sections that can cause body or rim damage.
Water crossings might have rocks and could be
deeper then 12 inches.
Brush or cactus may touch vehicle.
These trails will require low range gears, high ground
clearance and 4WD.
Skid plates and body protection are recommended.
Minimum 33 inch or bigger tires.
Recommend at least one axle locker.
(D) Difficult trails could include these conditions:
Rocks as big as your tire to as big as your vehicle.
Hill climbs are steep and may require extended wheel
These trails can have long sections of large rocks that
require careful tire placement. .
Three + foot ledges to climb and steep drop offs.
Body damage is possible and brush may scratch
These trails will require vehicle modifications such as
suspension lifts, body protection and skid plates.
Minimum 35 inch or bigger tires.
Recommend front and rear axle lockers.
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Dirt Devils Digest
January 2015
Brown bell
Adopt a Trail
Chris Slaughter
The Dirt Devils Adopt A Trail is: Dishpan Springs Trail
Rick Walter adopt a trail 6/27/2014
Josh Bleijenberg Corral Canyon 5/4/2014
Dishpan Springs Trail can be found in the
Little Blue bell
San Bernardino National Forest near Lake Arrowhead.
Rick Walter
The Dishpan Springs Trail is one of the toughest and most
Chris Slaughter Grizzly
popular trails in the SBNF.
Rick Walter
The West entrance:
Mike Wallace
2N26Y is N34° 16.198 W117° 08.258.
Mike Maneth memorial bell
The T6 Bridge:
Castulo Olivas
N34° 16.106 W117° 07.745.
The East entrance:
3N16 is N34° 15.663 W117° 05.116.
Meeting place
8:30am at Rock Road House
32150 Hilltop Blvd Running Springs, CA 92382 next to
the 76 gas station
The cow bell rules are: If you get stuck and are unable to
move under your own power and need the help of a winch
or you get strapped from one of your fellow jeepers then
you have earned the privilege of hanging a cow bell from
your front bumper. You must leave the cow bell on the
front of your rig until another Dirt Devil gets stuck then,
you can proudly hand it over. This starts at the beginning
and the end of the trail, not on the highway.
Old logo green bell
Josh Bleijenberg TDS 2/28/2014
Old Logo Green
little blue
Mike Maneth bell
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